Dr. Dimitrios Wagner
After completing his medical studies at the Charité in Berlin, Dimitrios is currently looking for creative solutions for the chronically ill. As a physician, he wants to bridge the gap between the latest developments in basic research and patients. In the interdisciplinary team of the BIH Center for Regenerative Therapies at the Charité, Dimitrios is trying to arm immune cells using "genome editing" and "synthetic biology" to fight cancer more efficiently or to cure autoimmune diseases. He is fascinated by the immune system and the processes at the molecular level that make the difference between being sick or healthy. He is the European representative on the Gene Editing and Immune Responses to Gene Therapy committees of the American Society for Gene and Cell Therapy and a member of the corresponding German and European Scientific Societies. He is inventor on several patent applications on T cell and gene therapies.
Gen editing for Europe!
Science fiction cures for terrible diseases could become reality in our lifetime. Gene editing technology has the potential to cure genetic diseases but needs to be done properly.
Dimitrios' opinion is that we need to invest into infrastructure to facilitate more early stage clinical studies in Europe. When key tech with good safety is established, therapies could benefit many patients with very rare and neglected diseases.